Benchmark Business Group

Hiring and Recruiting - 2014 Archive

We often hear from clients that it's difficult in today's market to recruit and hire the right people for their team.  Whether you are looking for tips on hiring, unique ways to recruit, or systems for hiring  we often touch upon hiring and recruiting in our Business Owner Insights.  Below is a collection of articles we've covered over the years.

Selling a Position

When you're recruiting, especially in a Hiring Drought, there is a need to sell the position and your company. Just like in marketing, if you want leads for an open position you have to know how to attract them. However, there's a danger in over-selling the position. You can chase away good candidate or even worse end up with the wrong candidate if you get too caught up in selling the position. Here are a few tips to help you reach the right balance of selling the position.

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Active Recruiting Methods

The E-Myth philosophy states that recruiting is a form of marketing and sales. You are selling not only the position, but the company to potential candidates. Last week we talked about brand and what sets you apart from other companies looking to hire. This week we'll focus on using that brand in strategy to generate candidates. In many companies, the generation of candidates comes down to posting a job ad in the paper, perhaps using the radio, and calling it a day. That can work, but these days when unemployment is once again shrinking you need a more assertive strategy. Here are a few things to consider when creating a strategy for generating candidates:

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Why Would Someone Want to Work For Your Company?

August Spotlight: Is there a Hiring Drought?

We're hearing from many of our clients that it's increasingly difficult to find quality candidates for open positions. It's as if the winds have changed and instead of opening a mailbox to hundreds of resumes, as many did during the recession, there are now zero applicants. When hiring, it's easy to focus on things that you cannot control, like the economy, but this month we invite you to join us as we focus on what you can control.    


 Why Would Someone Want to Work For Your Company?


This week we have one simple question for you to consider when it comes to hiring: "What makes your company so special that candidates WANT to work for you?" You should always be able to answer this question, but in a candidate drought, it becomes even more important. You end up competing for candidates, which often leads to a salary or benefits war. In essence, your company becomes a commodity. There is no perceived difference between working for your company and company XYZ. The road to more qualified candidates starts with what you are offering.

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