Since 2006, Benchmark Business Group has worked extensively with insurance agents, financial advisors, field leaders and professionals in the financial services industry. Our newsletter Optimal Outcome Insights provides additional value to financial services professionals in short and thought-provoking articles with practical insights. Delivered to your inbox on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month, these insights will challenge you to design your Agency to achieve optimal results. You can sign up here or read published Optimal Outcome Insights below.
When the general public hears “life insurance” they immediately think about the benefits that occur once they’ve passed away, or Death Benefits. What most people not immersed in the industry often don't know about are Living Benefits. Both need to be discussed, but it may be worth looking at how...
Prospecting sources that give your Agency leads are vital to any financial service professional. They help create a robust pipeline, which creates consistent cash flow. In addition, the leads tend to be warm leads making it easier, quicker, and more affordable as the cost of acquisition is lower. They are...
You have 15 minutes before a mandatory training. What do you do with that time? For many, those 15 minutes will be used to check emails, glance at tasks, or a quick service task. But what if you could turn those 15 minutes into prospecting time? Now you may be...
Does your business pay you for the work you do? Or do you owe your business? The answer is directly correlated to how your time is used. It’s the difference between doing work that is valued at $20 an hour rather than work that’s valued at $100 an hour. If...
Client reviews take place, at some level, in most financial services businesses. They have become ingrained in the industry as something your business must do to fulfill your promise to clients, to meet fiduciary obligations, and to increase sales. Yet, as we talk with hundreds of financial service professionals what...
It happens over and over again; when a financial services professional adds an employee to their business, it creates growth and increases revenue in more ways than they initially thought. So then, why do so many financial services professionals delay in hiring? It boils down to three barriers: not enough...
Most small businesses pride themselves on customer service. In fact, when we talk to most financial services professionals they note that exceptional customer service is one element that sets their business apart from the competition. At the same time, one of the statistics from Help Scout, a help desk software...
Before a prospect becomes a client your business makes a promise to them. In some businesses that promise is implied in the sales process. Preferably, it's clearly stated and used as part of the sales process. A well-defined client-service promise positions your business to be more than just the product...
Financial Services Professionals are not having the right conversations, with the right team members, at the right times. In fact, most Financial Services Professionals don't hold regular meetings of any kind with their team. This leads to a breakdown in communication, dropped balls, friction between employees, finger pointing, and a...
Golf pros will tell you following through with your swing is critical. The key is to do it consistently so your game can be more dependable. When you take this advice and apply it to your financial services business, it still has the same message: consistently follow through to have...