Debbie Landon

Debbie Landon is the Marketing Coordinator at Benchmark Business Group. Debbie earned a Bachelor of Science in Advertising from Drake University and has over 20 years of advertising and marketing experience. She has honed her communications skills in both business-to-business and business-to-consumer marketing working with small businesses and large organizations. Debbie has worked in a variety of industries from agriculture to retail to education, but never straying far from her passion of communicating the company’s goal to its intended audience.
As the foundation of BBG’s internal marketing team she works closely with our internal business coaches to expand skillsets, and support our coaching and consulting work with our small business clients. Debbie also teams with our business brokers to ensure that the businesses we list for sale have a robust marketing strategy, and are positioned to attract qualified buyers. Her vital role in marketing our services and communicating our brand puts us in front of thousands of business owners each year.
To contact Debbie Landon to learn more about business coaching or consulting services, about buying or selling a business, or about any of the other multitude of services Benchmark Business Group offers, call 515-288-6984.