Benchmark Business Group

Inspired Action Series - From Management to Employee Self-Management

Are you ready for employees that take ownership of their job? If you spend time worrying if your team is getting their job done, wondering what they’re doing, or if they’ve dropped a ball - it’s time to shake things up and turn the way you manage upside down. In three private coaching session Agency owners and managers will learn how to leverage their employee’s potential beyond anything they've experienced.  By implementing the UpSideDown Manager techniques and tools you can engage employees to take ownership of getting results – without you checking up on them. 

Gather your leadership team members together and learn how to:

  • Provide employees with a radar screen of accountability
  • Engage employees in taking accountability for following through and achieving results
  • Design a recurring, employee driven conversation, focused on their success
  • Shift your employees focus from reactive to proactive 
  • Ensure that employees take ownership of their role

This Inspired Action Series includes:

  • Three, one-hour coaching sessions for your team to work through From Management to Employee Self-Management
  • Guided worksheets and tools to implement UpSideDown Manager techniques 

* Certain companies qualify for discounts

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