Optimal Outcome Material
Optimal Outcome Coaching Program Overview
Comprised of five Success Skill Blocks, each filled with best practices ready to be put into action, the program provides solutions for building and growing a financial services business. Optimal Outcome best practice materials are designed to provide a direct, step-by-step method for Agents and Advisors to build, organize, and transform their business.
Working with their coach to provide guidance and feedback, clients apply tools, techniques and strategies in their business to achieve remarkable results. Clients participating in Blue or Teal level plans work with their coach to prioritize their needs and leverage the program materials to fit their priorities. Gold level clients collaborate with their coach to apply all best practice materials to their business, customizing the tools and templates to put them into action.
Begin with a thorough baseline of your business. Using an online tool, you will assess your business in eight key areas. The results of your baseline assessment will provide you with the tools and actions that start you on the right path to building a lasting and profitable business. The Five Skill Blocks in the Optimal Outcome coaching program are:
- Getting Yourself Ready
- Understanding How Money Works
- Multiplying Sales
- Organizing For Success
- Hiring for Growth
Nothing will change in your business unless you do. The first step to changing the results you are getting from your business is to prepare yourself for change. This Skill Block is a focus on the successful work disciplines and habits of top performers and business leaders. The best practices lead you step by step through preparing yourself for leading and growing a business that achieves results through others.
Getting Yourself Ready outcomes, activities, and actions:
- clear written vision of your business in the future (where you’re going)
- understanding and adoption of the five disciplines of a financial services leader
- clarity of the traits and characteristics you choose to embody as a leader
- solutions for getting control over, and protecting how your time is spent
- getting results through your staff and setting them up for success
- tools and strategies for communication and accountability
- effective delegation techniques
- six steps to effective problem resolution
- systems and work process documentation
Gain the knowledge and confidence to make the best decisions for growing your business – profitably! The best practices in this Success Skill Block lead you through designing your business for financial success through identifying opportunities for revenue growth, learning the numbers associated with investing in growth, and quantifying the business activities that impact your finances.
Understanding How Money Works outcomes, activities, and actions:
- identify areas of opportunity for short term and long term profit and growth
- design the strategy to achieve a balanced and stable flow of income
- identify the type of client that is most profitable for your business
- put a plan in place for increasing revenue
- identify your target market for specific products and services
- learn the key financial indicators required to grow your business
- determine the investment your business might make in growing through hiring, opening new locations, or moving your business
- know the cost to your business of hiring and supporting new employees
- identify the point (break-even) at which your business will begin to profit through hiring a new employee
Success Skill Block Three: MULTIPLYING SALES
What’s better than getting more sales? More of the right sales! More of the right sales to the right customers! More sales made by your team! The best practices of this Success Skill Block focus on creating a growth strategy and identifying the actions that unleash you and grows sales through every member of your team participating in, and adding value to the sales process. Best practices in this Success Skill Block will focus you on targeting prospects, creating an activity plan for generating qualified leads, understanding the sales cycle, skills for closing sales, and creating a training path and sales activity plan for yourself and others to execute.
Multiplying Sales outcomes, activities, and actions:
- identification and selection of the avenues you have for multiplying your sales
- explore the four ways of acquiring prospects
- learn the four steps for designing a prospecting activity plan
- create a prospecting activity plan, for yourself or your associates
- put in place tools for tracking and quantifying prospecting activity
- increasing your and your teams sales closing rations through mastering the four stages of the sales process
- master the sales skills that you and your team can put into action, discuss, practice, and master
- learn how to engage your employees in sales training through implementing the tools and strategies provided
- build a successful sales training path for your employees
Success Skill Block Four: ORGANIZING FOR SUCCESS
Imagine a business where every employee “owns” their position, where each individual achieves the results of their position and your entire Agency runs like a well-oiled machine! In this Success Skill Block you will design your Agency organization strategy to support smart, profitable growth. Ready to go tools guide you through designing a functional based business structure that clarifies the roles, and accountabilities of your team. Best Practice tools allow you to provide every member of your team a clear picture of their role in operations, sales, and fulfilling and retaining clients. This roadmap for each position guides not just their daily activity, but enables individuals to understand how they fit into the big picture of your Agency’s success.
Organizing For Success outcomes, activities, and actions:
- provides an easy way to structure and organize your business in five areas of business activity
- create a functional organization chart that identifies the positions your business needs for efficient growth and success
- puts visual tools in your employees hands to understand their role in your business and what it means to play their part in its success
- our team members working across the areas of five activity in your business
- examine the strategies for employee compensation packages and build the package that will best meet your team, and your business needs
- design position descriptions that reflect your growth strategy
- easy to use tools for creating a Business Activity Guide of the core activities for each position in your business
- identify your Client Service Promise and rank your clients by care category
- engage you service staff in the importance of service through identifying and engaging in selling opportunities
- an easy to learn and implement technique for dealing with difficult clients
- solutions for creating, accessing, and protecting your business intelligence
- organize your business information to ensure your team has what they need, when they need it, leading to their success
Success Skill Block Five: HIRING FOR GROWTH
Adding the right people to your team, then getting them trained and integrated into your work culture, and retaining them is a critical element your Agency success. The best practices in this Success Skill Block equip you to define and design a rewarding work environment, find and select the right people with the right skill sets and attitudes to join your business, and provides you with a plan for successfully starting new employees.
Hiring for Growth outcomes, activities, and actions:
- defining the ideal workplace culture for your Agency
- crafting a workplace Culture Values Statement
- identifying the Top Ten Qualities you need for each position in your Agency
- defining your recruiting strategy
- customizing ready to go tools for welcoming and training the most qualified employees
- advertising
- interviewing
- qualifying
- preparing your Agency to welcome a new employee
- setting your new employees up for success
- ensuring every new employee takes personal ownership for their success
To discuss designing your Agency for maximum success Contact Us Today