Benchmark Business Group

Increasing Business Value

The Truth about Selling Your Business

The practical truth is that you and your business are destined to part ways. The best case scenario is that you have a plan in place to ensure you realize maximum value from the sale of your business. The worst case scenario is you have no plan and your business has little to no value without you, and you and/or your surviving family members are unable to realize value from your years of hard work. If you own a business, the day to start thinking about selling your business is TODAY.  You never know when you will want or have to exit your business and you work too hard not to maximize your value.   It doesn’t matter if your business is a start-up, growing, established, or if you’re already thinking about retiring we have the services in place to ensure that your business sells for maximum value.

Business Brokerage and Business Coaching Combined

Benchmark Business Group’s unique history of business coaching and buying and selling businesses is a huge asset to business owner’s looking to maximize the value of their business.  Our experience in the business brokerage industry means that we know not only how to sell your business, but also what makes it more attractive to buyers.  Our experience in business coaching proves that we know how to work with business owners, executive teams, and your staff to implement the changes you need to make your business sell for a higher value and faster. We’ve combined our expertise into our Value Realized Coaching, which helps business owners design their business using the Value Builder System that John Warrillow made famous in his book Built to Sell.

Elements for Increasing Business Value

Not so ironically, the elements to increase business value are also all the things you want to have in place even if you are not ready to sell your business, yet.  These elements include:

  • Financial Performance: Consistently growing revenue and profits
  • Switzerland Structure:  A business that doesn’t depend on any one employee, customer, or supplier
  • Recurring Revenue: Long-term, favorable client contracts
  • Valuation Teeter Totter:  Cash Flow in the Business
  • Growth Potential:  A solid plan for future revenue streams
  • Protected intellectual property
  • Monopoly Control: A branded presence
  • Patented systems, products and/or technologies
  • Hub and Spoke:  A Business that thrives without you
  • Customer Satisfaction: Customers that keep coming back and recommend you to others
  • Rock solid infrastructure

If you’re in the process of growing your business talk to us today about how to design your business so that it provides you with more money, more time, and more satisfaction now AND it’s designed to attract buyers and sell for maximum value when you are ready.  If your business is more established or you are ready to start thinking about selling your business contact us today to arrange for a confidential and discrete conversation with one of our business brokers.  We can guide you through the process including:

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