Inspired Action Series - Automatic Prospect Sources
Do you need prospecting sources that consistently supply you with leads? In any business, it’s important to have a network of sources that are consistently sending leads to your business. Successful agencies understand that these vital relationships must be nurtured, much like relationships with your clients. This series will teach you how to nurture your current relationships to increase leads, build a long-term lead source, and put in place the structures your business needs to develop and nurture new prospect sources.
Gather your sales team members together and learn how to:
- Evaluate the effectiveness of a prospecting source
- Nurture the relationship to generate more leads
- Maintain relationships that are already effective
- Create a fail-proof structure to ensure nurturing doesn’t fall off your radar
This Inspired Action Series includes:
- Three, one-hour coaching sessions for your team to work through Automatic Prospect Sources
- Guided worksheets and tools to develop and nurture prospecting sources
* Certain companies qualify for discounts
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