Benchmark Business Group

Implementing Your Prospecting Plan

July 22, 2015

This month we've challenged you to work on creating a three month rolling prospect plan for your business. We've looked at the elements needed to create a prospecting plan and the resources you need to pull together for your team. This week we've got a few more tips to implementing your prospecting plan, but the most important step is to get started. Here are a few tips to get your business started:


  • Address the Mindset - If you want prospecting to be more consistent in your business, the mindset about prospecting has to be that it's important enough to dedicate and schedule time to completing. It's not something that happens in the in-between moments. As a leader, you need to not only embrace this mindset, but also paint the vision for your team. Often times this will mean needing to change habits that have been created over years. When you get passionate about prospecting, so will your team.
  • Establish Ownership - Your prospecting plan must have a keeper. As we've discussed, it's just too easy to push prospecting to the side. We get it, you're busy, and so is your team. That's why there needs to be one person that is the champion of prospecting. One person who will push the team and embrace the mindset. This person may or may not be the business owner. Look at the positions in your business and see what position makes the most sense, but don't completely overlook passion. You need to make sure that the person who is going to accept the accountability for ensuring your business has a prospecting plan in place buys into the idea. If they don't focus your attention there first.
  • Create an Agenda - At the beginning of the month we gave you a quick outline for the elements needed in a prospecting plan. This same outline can serve as a meeting agenda, but don't stop there. Take that outline and tailor it to your business. We know the idea of an agenda isn't new, but there's a reason it's works.
  • Set the Meeting Time and Guidelines - We suggest reading our previous article on Implementing Do Not Disturb Time, and using it as a guideline for your meeting to create a prospecting plan. If it's important to your business then you need to treat that time as you would an appointment with your number one client.
  • Expect Hiccups - Especially in the beginning, there will be missteps in creating your plan. You're changing the mindset of your team, you're establishing new habits, and sometimes the business simply doesn't have the resources or quantification in place to create a three month prospecting plan right away. Don't worry about perfection; focus right now on getting one step closer to that ultimate vision. Only after you have the meetings in place do you need to worry about that next step.


See Also

Prospecting in Constant Motion
Prospecting Ideas
Your Prospecting Resources
Chances in Prospecting

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