Benchmark Business Group


Want to Sell Your Business at a
Great Price with No Regrets?



Qualified Buyers, Solid Offers, and a High Closing Ratio!
Our closing ratio on deals that have accepted offers to purchase is more than 2x the national average for business brokers.

Frequently Asked Questions for Selling Your Business

Why use a BBG Business Broker?
The reason our clients experience such a high degree of success is our experienced team, proven systems, strong buyer and lender relationships, and expertise in presenting financially sound deals.

How much is my business worth?

Our business brokers work closely with business owners to value their business through an Opinion of Value. We offer a complimentary Opinion of Value to any business within our target market and for a reasonable fee to those outside our target market.

How do you maintain confidentiality?

Each of our employees, in whatever capacity they serve, have signed and agreed to abide by confidentiality agreements as a condition of their continued employment. In addition, buyers sign non-disclosure agreements as part of qualification process. Our marketing process is designed to advertise your business and attract buyers without revealing your identity or location until the buyer has been qualified.

What happens after I get a qualified Buyer?

The BBG team will conduct the initial conversations and schedule meetings with you to meet interested Buyers. Tours of your business are scheduled with your approval and at a time convenient for you.

What are Buyers looking for?

For those business owners that decide to list their business with BBG's business brokerage we provide “Seller Insights Coaching” to ensure that you understand the buyers' point of view, and prepare yourself and your business to successfully move through the selling process and realize maximum value from your business.

How are the offers negotiated?

Your business broker will facilitate all Buyer negotiations. Our goal is to minimize disruption of your daily business operations and support you in evaluating offers from buyers. Once you accept an offer from a buyer, our team goes to work to move the deal through the due diligence process and to the closing table.


Talk to a Business Broker to Help Sell Your Business


Don't Know Where to Start?

Most Business Owners don't.
Our Business Brokers are here to help you maximize your business's value and sell faster.

frustrated selling a business, let our business brokers help

Selling a Business is Complicated

Our expert team of business brokers do a lot more than just bring buyers and sellers together. We are successful in pricing, marketing, selling, and coordinating the closing with the lenders, creditors, attorneys, accountants. 

Pricing Your Business

Pricing a business is challenging. Too low and you won't get what you need.  Too high could deter buyers and lenders. Our experience and intimate knowledge of valuing businesses ensures the go-to-market price is competitive leading to win-win deals that close.


find our how much your business is worth before selling your business

business brokers help find buyers for your business

Attracting Buyers

Marketing your business listing takes time and expertise. You need to have a solid marketing strategy and professional marketing materials while maintaining the highest level of confidentiality. We have a dedicated marketing team that packages and markets your business to find qualified buyers. Our strategy includes marketing to our network of pre-qualified buyers, listing your business (confidentially) online through select quality websites with high search engine rankings, and carefully selecting key words that drive more traffic to your listing.

Engaging Buyers

Selling a business means fielding a lot of buyer inquiries. Most business owners don't know what to share or when. Our business brokers, expertly guide you through the process of engaging in productive conversations with qualified buyers.  We help you save time and create effective strategies to bring solid offers and maximize your sale proceeds. Your business broker does the upfront work to qualify buyers leaving you to run your business until buyers are qualified and ready to have confidential conversations.


See Our Current Business Listings Here

See What Businesses We've Sold Here

talk to a business broker about selling your business

let our business brokers help sell your business and engage buyers

Want to Learn More About Selling Your Business?

Our Business Brokers understand that confidentiality is key when selling your business.



When you connect with our business brokers they will discreetly schedule a confidential initial conversation. We want to discuss where your business is today, the timeline you have for exiting, and what would work best for your unique situation.

If your prefer, call us at: 515-288-6984 or toll free at: 888-959-0621.


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