The holiday season is in full swing with Thanksgiving here in the United States being celebrated this past Thursday and the unofficial/official shopping season kicking off with Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday. There is no question that there is a lot happening during the next month; we do not believe the question is whether or not you will be busy during the season, rather, will you be busy doing what is needed to help grow your business?
This is a great time to be involved in the community. By simply getting out and connecting with the many other people that are out doing things for the holidays, you have the opportunity to make your business and what it does more known. You may be thinking, "That all sounds good but how will I accomplish this in an already busy season?" Maybe you have heard the saying - Intention, Attention, No Tension. Simply put, decide what you r intention is, give the necessary attention to reaching it, and tension will lessen and lessen.
Let's briefly look at this in light of the busy holiday season. What is your intention? Let's say it is to meet more potential customers. How many would you like that to be? Define what your intention is and then, and only then, begin to give the necessary attention to gaining what you have intentionally decided upon. How? Once you have determined you would like to meet more potential customers, and you have decided ho w many customers you would like to introduce your business to determine where these potential customers are likely to be. The holiday season is, by far, one of the best times of the year for this type of activity due to the fact that there are so many activities to choose from. Here are few categories to help get you thinking about where you can meet those customers you are looking for:
- School activities
- Faith-based activities
- Charity events
- Community events
- Family or personal/friend gatherings
Each of these areas are looking for at least one, if not all three of the following -
- Sponsors
- Volunteers
- Attendees
Choose what you want to do and the level of involvement you desire to have; determine what tools you will need to get the desired result (elevator speech, business cards, posters promoting events, etc.) and get busy doing it.
Depending on your desired result (Intention), provide the level of involvement needed (Attention), and then relax knowing that you are doing what needs to be done (No Tension) during this holiday season to realize what you have determined is possible.