Benchmark Business Group

How Do You Decorate Your Rut

February 2, 2016

business owners looking to escape a rut and improve leadership skills
A few weeks ago one of our business client's made the statement:

"They got into a rut and decorated it."

Those words quickly turned into a great conversation at our weekly business coach training.  We acknowledged that we all have ruts and joked about how each of us might decorate our own ruts, and in that conversation realized the value of this conversation.

Think about your own rut -does it feel safe & comfortable? Has it become home? Or is your rut uncomfortable?  Does it frustrate you? Do you dream of how it could be different?  Or perhaps you're so at home in your rut you'd hire an interior decorator and have your rut decorated for you.  Regardless of your decorating style, you're still in a rut.

This month we'll be focusing on how to climb out of your ruts.... but for right now we challenge you to take two simple steps.

  1. Identify a rut.  The rut can be one you've recognized in yourself or or perhaps you recognize one of your employees are stuck in a rut - if so, you may want to apply this to their situation.
  2.  Think about how the rut is decorated.
    • Is it safe and comfortable?  Do you feel at home in this rut?  Have you added little touches so that you could stay a while?
    • Does it make you uncomfortable?  Is it cold, dark, or remind you of a prison cell?
    • Have you "delegated" the decorating of the rut to someone else?  Do you feel like it's outside of your control?

Make sure you follow us this month as we explore how you decorate your rut and more importantly how you can overcome the obstacles that are keeping you in those ruts.

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