How Should a Manager Think?

For every company the answer to this question is different, yet, we often make the assumption that people know what it means to be a manager. The truth is, most people don't. Unless you specifically discuss what a manager is and how they think in your business, your managers will always be on a different page than your vision. When you and your managers have a different understanding of what it means to be a manager then your business won't get the results that it needs.
If you want your business to achieve Value Realized. A business that:
Your managers are shaping the culture of your business EVERY single day. The decisions they make are reality to your employees and customers. Your managers are spokespeople for your company. If they are not in line with your vision then your business will either move in the wrong direction or you'll have to personally step in and get involved. Before you can let go of the reigns you must clearly:
Remember, "who" you hire or promote into your management team is important. While our focus this month will be on teaching someone to become a manager, we encourage you to also consider your hiring and promotion processes. It is not uncommon in small businesses to have managers with little to no management experience. This happens for a variety of reasons, including: promoting employees from other non-management positions as the business grows, and the pay scale not being competitive enough to hire an experienced manager. Filling management positions with people who have little to no experience simply means that small businesses often have to create great managers rather than hire them. The good news is that whether you have to hire or create great managers, the process for setting a manager up for success is the same. Follow along this month as we help you look at what is needed. |
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