Benchmark Business Group

Intentions vs. Actions: Bridging The Gap

October 8, 2024

Intentions are great starting points, but when they lack action frustrations tend to build. We see this in many areas of business including:

  • A goal is set, but never reached
  • A problem is identified, but no solution is presented
  • A performance issue is discussed, but no improvement is made

Stop for a moment and ask yourself when you’ve felt these frustrations in your own business. We’re guessing you can relate! Without the corresponding action, even the most well-crafted intentions will remain just that—intentions.

And when people express intentions without following through it can lead to not just frustration, but eventually a breakdown in trust. This week we challenge you to ask, where does your business have a gap between intention and action?

The first step in closing the gap between the best intentions and action, is to simply put a plan into place. Because, if you can’t point to what you’re going to do different to reach a new goal, to solve a problem, or to change a performance issue, chances are nothing will change. Too often plans are to work harder or try harder. Which again, are great intentions, but lack the action.

Instead, we suggest creating an action plan. It doesn’t have to be too complex, but should include:

  • The steps you’re going to take to reach the new result
  • The timing of each step
  • Who’s going to complete each step
  • And identify any potential barriers that you’re working to avoid

In your steps, don’t forget to include:

  • How and when progress will be tracked and reported
  • Milestones to recognize and celebrate successes

If you take one thing away from reading this insight, let it be to challenge the way you approach intentions. Every intention should have a corresponding set of actions. If you pause enough to plan out those actions you will reach optimal results.

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