Question: How prepared are you for things that can happen to your business?

QUOTE: "Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe."
~ Abraham Lincoln
~ Abraham Lincoln
Our Thoughts: Most business owners and leaders are so busy reacting to what is coming "at" them they simply don't dedicate time to ensuring they are well equipped to take action. Time spent to ensure you and your business are ready and capable to take necessary action is time well spent. Although time is high in demand and short in supply, taking small preparation steps now can make a huge difference later. Being prepared can free your business up to find opportunities in the midst of a crisis and allow you to react quickly enough to minimize issues and maximize results. We encourage you to make a list of three things your business should be prepared to react to and begin taking small steps to prepare for them. Does being prepared take time? Yes, but it is well worth your time!
Question: How prepared are you for things that can happen to your business?
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