Re-Imagine Your Business
As a fellow business owner, you know what it's like to watch your business grow from a kernel of an idea into a living and breathing reality. Like us, you've experienced the ups and downs of owning a business, but also know how rewarding it is to watch your vision in action. Our newsletters typically focus on challenging the way you think about your business and providing you with easy to implement ideas and best practices. This month we're planning to get a bit more personal as we talk about our personal journey in re-imagining our business.
Enjoy this quick video introducing our newly imagined company, then read more to understand our journey.
Our business, which you probably know as E-Myth Benchmark, like many of your businesses, has been growing and in some ways transforming the way we do business. When we first started this company back in 1999 we were passionate about making a real difference in the life of business owners. Becoming a licensed E-Myth provider was a natural fit with our previous experience in business ownership and management. We’ve always believed that owning a business should provide the business owner with more money, more time, more freedom, and more satisfaction.
Over the past 16 years, we’ve been rewarded with working alongside business owners as they sharpened their leadership skills, grew their business, and expanded their visions. We’ve had the absolute pleasure of working with you to make your dreams come true. In doing so, our own business grew and continued to be re-imagined. We expanded our business coaching programs from the E-Myth Mastery program to include Optimal Outcome (insurance and financial advisor coaching), Results, and Executive Coaching. As our own resources and expertise grew, we added business consulting services such as Systems Development, Succession Planning, and Increasing Business Value. Our business is business and over the years the business of buying and selling businesses became a part of our services. For years, it was a conversation we were having with our clients as they grew through acquisition or began to think about their exit strategy. We acquired the name and certain assets of the successful business brokerage Henderson Business Group in 2011 adding a fully developed business brokerage department to our services, and a new partner, Dennis Henderson.
As our business has grown and evolved we’ve recognized two things. First, what we do at the very core of our business has not changed over the years. We’ve developed more resources and gotten better, but our client promise is and will remain: “With every experience, our clients will feel empowered, confident, understood, and ultimately inspired to take action to build a better business and lead a better life.” We’ve learned to sum it up better using “Value Realized”, but our desire has always been to help business owners relieve the stress of day to day business and help them design a business that provides them with the value they deserve. Owning a business is not easy. Small businesses are built from the hard work, the time, the energy, the sweat and tears of their owners. We know the rewards are there, we’ve experience them with you, but the truth is owning a business becomes worth the journey when value is realized.
Second, we’ve realized that our name and branding strategy has not grown in stride with the rest of our business. E-Myth Benchmark has grown, evolved, and been re-imagined. E-Myth remains a core product line and is a legendary business coaching program that we are proud to deliver, but for years we’ve been expanding our services to better meet your needs. With great excitement we’d like to re-introduce you to our business: Benchmark Business Group. You may have noticed that we’ve kept the Benchmark. It’s an important piece of our history and represents a core belief that designing a business of value is done through a series of benchmarks - a series of benchmarks that our business group has the expertise and resources to lead you through.
To learn more about Benchmark Business Group, we invite you to watch this quick introductory video.
What changes for you? You’ll notice that our logo and website have been re-designed to match our re-imagined identity: Benchmark Business Group. We actually started our re-branding back in October so you may have noticed that our social media sites have already rolled out. Behind the scenes we’ve been working on more resources and programs for our clients. Some of you may have already benefited from our re-imagined identity through tools, samples, and even business evaluations that we’ve been providing to our clients. You can expect to see more resources and a synergy through each of our business services that are working together to provide you with the business coaching, consulting, and brokerage services needed to create a business of value.
We invite you to join us this month as we re-introduce you to our business.
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