Ready to turn your meetings UpSideDown?
In our last insight, we encouraged you to think about flipping the energy of management upside-down so that information, knowledge, and data flows from your team up to your managers.
It starts with changing the way you think about management. But it won't work unless you have key structures in place. This week, we want to discuss one structure that is key to turning management upside down: UpSideDown Manager Meetings. Now, you might be thinking, great, another meeting. We don't blame you. We understand meeting burnout, but this isn't your normal meeting. The entire strategy of UpSideDown Meetings is about turning your normal meetings on their head and empowering your business to get better results.
Imagine, once a week, each employee holds a meeting with their manager. That employee starts the meeting off using a prepared agenda - how formal is up to you - that is customized based on their position. The employee shares information with their manager covering what went well, what needs attention, and what, if anything, they need in order to be successful in the upcoming week. Your manager is free to collaborate. To provide insight rather than oversight.
They are able to mentor and answer any questions.
Your employees are empowered to have ownership of their position. They drive the meeting, using the agenda, and drive the conversation.
They are engaged and don't feel micromanaged.
We don't just think this will work. We live it every week, and we've helped hundreds of small business owners to reach the same result. Ideally, these meetings happen once a week. Yes, it's a time commitment, but more so, it is a true investment in your greatest assets: your employees. If done right, the time spent will have a true return on your team's investment of time; by creating a culture where employees have ownership and accountability of their results. Your first step is to design the conversation your business needs your employees to LEAD with their managers every week.
Once you know what conversation SHOULD be happening, you design the structure an employee would use to drive the conversation. This could be a full agenda or as simple as a list of discussion points. The take-away is DESIGN. You must design the energy to be turned upside down so that employees have ownership of the results.
The right people, meeting at the right times, to have the right conversations - ensures the business gets the right results.
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