Benchmark Business Group

Susan Clements' Tribute to Michael Gerber for his 80th Birthday

June 16, 2016

It all started with a book.  The E-Myth Revisited:  Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It by Michael Gerber was the catalyst behind the business we know today as Benchmark Business Group.  In close collaboration with Michael Gerber, Bob and Susan Clements set out to design a prototype E-Myth Coaching Center, hiring, training, and mentoring business coaches.  From there, the rest is history.

On Monday, June 20, Micheal Gerber will celebrate his 80th birthday.  To recognize him and the impact he has made on our company, a few members of our staff, who have been personally affected by Michael, have put their thoughts about him into words.  Here is one of their stories...

Susan Clements, Co-Founder/Chief Executive Officer

As Bob and I were designing our Des Moines E-Myth Coaching center with Michael Gerber, we were able to experience first-hand why Michael has earned such a passionate world-wide following.  His candid style of coaching and ability to cut through the noise of any business situation to clearly see what is missing and identify innovative strategies and solutions has rightfully earned him the title of Small Business Guru. 

Michael infused the logic and heart of his revolutionary thinking into a coaching program that has changed the lives and results of tens of thousands of businesses and the human beings that work in them around the world – including ours.  His words have forever changed the way I think and expanded my understanding of what is possible.

I send my best wishes and love to him as he celebrates his 80th birthday!​ 

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