Benchmark Business Group

Systems in Action

January 5, 2015

This year, we're challenging you to participate in our 2015 Systems Challenge. The challenge is simple and realistic: create one new system in your business each month for a year. By the end of 2015 you'll have 12 less frustrations, 12 turn-key processes in place, and be 12 steps closer to your vision.


It's no secret that we believe in creating and implementing systems. There are many reasons your business should adopt a systems focus including less frustrations, consistent and predictable results, superior customer service and yes even increasing the value of your business.  Most business owners buy in to the idea of systems, but implementation can often take the back burner for a variety of reasons. Often times the main barrier comes down to time management and making system development a priority in your business.


We know that as a business owner you're busy. In truth, you're probably over-committed with networking opportunities, running the day-to-day operation of your business, and trying to create a healthy work/life balance. This is exactly why you need to stop digging the current hole you've been creating and work on your business through systems development.  Think about it: one system a month.  You have everything to gain and nothing to lose by committing to this small challenge. Will it take some time? Yes, but it's one of the best investments of your time.


The rest of this month we will focus on tips and suggestions for getting your 2015 Systems Challenge off the ground, but for this week focus on what systems your business needs to have implemented in 2015. Here are three quick exercises to help you pull together a list of systems for your challenge:


  • Start with your business goals for 2015. Behind each goal you will find a system or sometimes a set of systems, that if implemented will make your efforts to reach that goal easier. In addition, focusing on creating systems around your annual goals will ensure that you can count on the same consistent and predictable results for years to come. As a bonus, you'll be working on your annual goals (something you've already committed to) and the challenge at the same time.
  • Create a list of your frustrations and those of your employees. What are the fires or interruptions that you deal with on a daily basis? What do you simply put up with because you've conditioned yourself and your business to think that it's normal for your industry? It's time to stop accepting frustrations and look for a turn-key process that will eliminate the frustration so you can focus your time and energy on more important matters.
  • Create a list of tasks that depend on you or key employees. Every night when you or your employees walk out that door your business is at risk for losing key business intelligence, if it's not documented.   Think of documenting this information as a part of your insurance plan. This list might include information about certain clients or projects as well as tasks within the business. Having these systems documented ensures that your business doesn't miss a step if someone is out sick or on an extended vacation.

Remember as you create your list of systems to implement, these don't have to be complicated systems. A simple checklist to make sure your staff collects all the needed information for an order or a form for employee PTO can make a positive difference on how your business runs. Start small and work your way up to having a business that runs like clockwork.


Need to get back into System Thinking?  Try these articles:

Re-Inspire your Business with E-Myth Revisited
Is the E-Myth Still Relevant
Systems and Your Vision

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