Benchmark Business Group

Time For A Mid-Year Goal Evaluation

June 13, 2023

It's the time of the year businesses find themselves reflecting on their progress and reevaluating their goals.

And it’s a good time to evaluate your mid-year mindset and discuss what your business needs to do differently to reach – or surpass – your goals. 

Here are four insights that your business can use to help foster a positive mindset:

Reflect and celebrate. Even if you’re not on pace to reach a goal, it’s a great time to acknowledge what’s working and the hard work your team has already accomplished. Be sure to take a moment and address the team by celebrating wins, even the small ones. Then analyze which strategies, tactics and initiatives created positive results. As you reflect on what went right, be sure to note areas where improvements can be made, or lessons can be learned. By reflecting on both successes and setbacks, you can fine-tune your plan for the remainder of the year.

Focus on activity. Once you’ve identified what is and isn’t working it’s time to focus on the needed activity to reach your goals. You might want to adjust your goals, but we caution you not to give up too easily. Instead, adjust your activity. What can you do to still reach those goals? Create specific action steps that are designed to bring results. Be laser focused on ensuring that every member of the team understands the activity that they need to do every day in order for the business to reach their goals.

Ensure your team can address barriers. Barriers to reaching goals are real. While it’s tempting to ask your team to just push through the barriers, most people need help to overcome barriers. Sometimes that help is as simple as acknowledging the barriers. Ask your team what their barriers are and then commit time and energy to helping them create the plan and identify the actions to overcome them. Remember, you don’t have to solve the barrier for them, but they need to feel your support.

Continue to track progress. Consistently review and analyze the metrics and data relevant to your goals. While it’s good to track results, don’t forget to track the activity. Every week your team should know their progress. They should know if their activity needs to increase because last week’s goals were missed. Collaborate with your team and be proactive in identifying gaps and making adjustments.

And as a last – but vital – insight, remember your team can achieve amazing results. Yes, half the year is gone. Yes, there are barriers. But working together, you’ve got this.

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