Benchmark Business Group

Why We Love Our Books

September 19, 2017

This month we are acknowledging a few of our favorite books such as Built to Sell and QBQ. Each of the books identified this month has a different insight on business that can help a business improve.
"Today a reader, tomorrow a leader."  - Margaret Fuller 

Books open up opportunities that business owners never saw before. They give new perspectives and bring new ideas to grow and improve a business. As the quote above implies, by reading and having an open mind, leadership continues to develop. And, when leadership keeps developing, great things happen in a business.

"Read and be better. Don't just read and be."   - Anonymous 

However, opening your mind is just the start, business owners also need to take these new ideas and do something with them. We can all learn and see new opportunities. However, they mean nothing unless action is taken to change; change a process, policy, or behavior. And when business owners take action to change, they are modeling behavior for their employees as well. They are designing the culture in a new direction and building a business they envision.
Of course we encourage you to read these books and we are sure you already have favorite books you recommend to others. So, our challenge to you this week is to read one of our favorite books, re-read one of your favorite books, or read a book someone else recommended. However, don't stop there; pick one or two ideas from the book that would really impact the growth and value of your business if they were implemented. Then, make your business better by taking action. Decide on a single next step for your business to move forward and make it happen. This initial action could be as simple as scheduling coffee with a colleague to bounce the idea around, bringing it up at your next networking event, or adding it to the agenda on the next staff meeting for an open discussion. Whatever the action, the point is to do something with the inspiration you received from the book you just read!


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