Benchmark Business Group

Are you Asking for it? The Close That is.

August 7, 2018

When it comes to the closing appointment with a prospect, asking for the sale is a key element. This may seem obvious; however, too often asking for the sale doesn't happen. 


There are many reasons asking for the sale is not accomplished, a few we hear include:
  • The prospect is in a hurry to leave
  • The salesperson doesn't want to appear too aggressive or desperate
  • The salesperson is not confident enough in how to ask
  • The salesperson simply forgot to ask 
The truth is, you'll rarely get a sale without asking for it. Along with adding it to your agenda for the meeting, asking for the sale should be designed into your sales process. There are many different methods to ask for the sale and you need to find one that works for you. Just make sure your method is:
  • Clear and direct. Avoid vague requests or a play on words that leaves the prospect unsure of what is happening.
  • A natural progression of the sales process. The prospect expects the next step is a decision they need to make on your recommendations.
Here are some successful ways you can make the closing more natural for you and your sales team that are clear and direct:
A, B or C
Presenting a prospect with 2-4 recommendations can be a highly effective way to ask for the sale. When a few solutions are presented well and the client understands the pluses and minuses of each one, they are set up to decide which of the options is best suited for their situation.
Sample language - "Mr. Prospect, I presented three solutions to solve your need, which do you feel works best for your situation?"
Simply Asking
Asking the prospect directly can be very refreshing for the prospect. They heard your recommendation and they see how it will solve their problem, and now you are asking them to take action and move forward so their need is resolved.
Sample language - "Ms. Prospect should we move forward with this solution?"
When you have a well-presented solution and the client understands how it will be used to fill their need, there should be no doubt that the client wants to move forward with your recommendation. There is no question to ask, but state you will move forward with the solution.
Sample language - "Mr. and Mrs. Prospect let's take the necessary action to put this solution in place, let's begin with...."
We challenge you to review your sales process and look at how you ask for the sale and identify ways to improve how you ask.

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