Benchmark Business Group

Are you too busy for your clients?

February 18, 2020

This month we have a simple challenge for your entire team, but before we get to the challenge let’s see how well you relate to a common agency issue.

From our clients, we often hear the word - “busy.” It’s busy. I’m busy. We’re too busy. And it makes sense. There’s a lot to do and always pressure to keep growing your agencies.

Though technology is supposed to make things “easier” there seems to be growing regulations and changing rules from companies that make the simplest tasks more difficult. Being busy isn’t just an excuse for many agencies; it’s a reality.

These pressures are very real and lead to burnout in many financial services professionals. We know there is an optimal way to design your agency to thrive despite the issue of being busy and we’re always ready to discuss the solution with you. However, today we want you to think about “busy” from your client’s perspective.

If you see it, and if your team feels it, then chances are your clients have also felt that you are busy, or worse, too busy for them. This isn’t to say that you’re not doing an amazing job. Most of the clients we work with pride themselves on providing excellent customer service.

This isn’t criticism. It’s simply a reminder that if you and your team consistently use the word “busy” it probably is something that your customers feel as well. So, the challenge we have for you this month is to “Care Enough to Listen.”

That’s strong language. And it’s deliberately strong. We’re not saying that you don’t care about your clients. We are saying that if you and your team are too busy, you simply won’t have the time to listen to your clients. To truly hear their needs. And to take actions to help them.

When an agency becomes too busy, service gets dialed back. At first, the client may not even notice the difference. But when small things start to add up, they will. When service tasks get dropped. When calls are not made. When you’re too busy to send that reminder text or follow up the way you use to do. Or worse, when you miss something they said, and a risk isn’t covered.

That’s the worst nightmare. And the truth is, it may not even be your fault. But we know how important your clients are to you. It’s why “Care Enough to Listen” can be fighting words. You do care! You do take pride in exceptional service. Your intentions are exactly where they should be, but the reality is it is BUSY.

The trick is finding the balance. It’s something that we cover in our Inspired Action Series: Service Through Selling. At the heart of this training is “Caring Enough to Listen.” The concept that we must slow down; listen for the needs, risks, and opportunities that clients may not even understand they have and take action. And it must be done even when you are busy.

We can help your team with HOW to achieve this balance. But for right now, we challenge you to look around. See how being “busy” impacts your ability to “Care Enough to Listen.”

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