Benchmark Business Group

Avoid this sales mistake

August 6, 2019

Most financial services professionals don’t want to come across as pushy or even aggressive.

This leads to very laid back and sometimes even passive sales techniques. The problem with a passive sales technique isn’t just that sales are left on the table. The problem is that prospects and clients have needs or opportunities that are not addressed. It’s a disservice to prospects and clients to withhold education regarding their true needs.

Yet, the reasons to hesitate are real:

  • You don’t want to upset a prospect or client.
  • You don't want prospects don’t want to feel nickel and dimed
  • You don’t want them to feel like you’re meeting a quota.

It's okay to hesitate and consider a client's needs, however, you don’t want them to walk away with real risks that you were hesitant to bring up.

The middle ground is in understanding how to be assertive. An assertive sales technique takes on the point of view that it is a denial of service not to address any risk or opportunity that is uncovered. It’s the belief that prospects and clients look to you to be the expert. It’s understanding that they don’t know what you know. And it’s your promise to help them understand their choices so they can make the best decision for themselves.

Being assertive isn’t about getting a yes. It’s not about the sale. It’s about being 100% committed to the responsibility of educating each and every client about their risks and opportunities. It allows anyone in the sales position to remove the pressure of getting a “yes.” It’s understanding the prospect makes the decision. Your role is to ensure they have the ability to make a decision, because you’ve done your job.

Use these three tips to be more assertive with your sales techniques:

  • Lead with Intention - In the sales process, if you’re hesitant to speak up start with your intention. Connect the prospect back to why this is important to them. It’s not about you. It’s not about getting another sale. It’s about why they need to know their options. How it’s going to impact their financial future.
  • Ask Permission - Once you’ve told the prospect your intention asks them for permission to continue. Let them make the decision. It’s as simple as asking, “Can I tell you more about this?” It’s okay if they say no or not right now. It’s not okay to take away that choice. Just remember, if you’ve given them a compelling reason when you explained the intention, they will be more likely to understand their options and want to know more.
  • Let Go of Assumptions – It’s easy to make assumptions based on your knowledge of a prospect. You might assume they won’t want or need to discuss a problem or risk. You might assume that they can’t afford something. Or even, that they just don’t have the time to discuss something right now. And you might be right.

Always remember, it’s denying your clients and prospects expert service if you don’t give them the ability to make their own decision.

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