Benchmark Business Group

Thank You 2019

December 17, 2019

“There is no finish line. There are only mile markers.”
Michael Ventura, Founder of Sub Rosa

As the end of another year draws to a close, we are reminded that the end of this year isn’t the finish line. It’s simply another mile marker in your journey.

At BBG, we are incredibly blessed to work with business owners in many stages of business. Some are just starting. Other businesses are maturing and looking for ways to grow or manage chaos. And on our brokerage side, we are working with business owners who are looking toward new ventures as they prepare to sell their business or grow through acquisition.

Yet, regardless of what mile marker your business is currently passing, all of you are on a journey to create. To provide for your families, employees, and your community. And we wanted to take a moment to let you know that we see you. We see the hard work, the long hours, and the care that you put into your business.

And we appreciate the opportunity to be a part of your world. To help you bring your vision to life and to provide for the people that depend on you. We look forward to reaching new mile markers together next year.

Please, take time to reflect on how far you’ve come as this year wraps up. Celebrate your successes, and like the true entrepreneurs that you are, take time to dream about the mile markers you’ll be pursuing next year. Thank you for all that you do!

Our team will take a brief break from writing and publishing newsletters as we wrap up our own year of mile markers. We’ll be back in January with more Insights to help you on your journey.

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