Benchmark Business Group

Using Scripts Effectively

March 7, 2023

Scripts. Many in the financial services industry hate the idea of using a script. The obstacles that scripts create are real. Agencies are concerned that if they use a script they will:

  • Come across as robotic and not authentic.
  • Miss opportunities by creating too narrow of a focus.
  • Create a transactional model instead of an agency where clients see you as their partner.

And if used wrong, scripts can definitely feel that way. However, the great news is that scripts are written by you. If you want to avoid these common issues with scripts, then the scripts need to have a better design.

Scripts are not just great learning tools, but they’re also great for seasoned professionals. In some ways they act as mile markers on the sales journey. They allow even the most seasoned professional to locate where they are in the conversation, and if necessary, provides the ability for them to skip around as the conversation unfolds. Sure, they can be robotic, too narrow, and transactional, but only if you choose to design and implement them that way.

The answer is to create and use scripts that contain both the language that should be used and the logic for using it. Too often we see scripts that are simply words on a paper. Many don’t even include different paths depending on how the prospect/client responds. Instead, many scripts are often a very linear, step-by-step string of sentences that are meant to be memorized and followed without deviation.

And that’s the problem with most scripts. They are simply not designed to get the desired results. To create better scripts, we suggest:

  • In addition to language, add in the logic of the script:
    • Why are you asking a certain question?
    • What are you listening for when a client/prospect answers?
    • What sales techniques are you using when you deliver the script?
      • Do you use an assumptive close?
      • Are you trying to mirror the client?
      • What’s your body language?

The logic is important in order to understand not only what to say, but also to create intention on how you deliver the script. It creates a well-rounded salesperson who is better able to react when a sales call is off track or creating surprises, because the person delivering the script isn’t trained only in what to say, but also why to say it.

  • Build in different paths for responses. While you can’t predict every choice, question, or decisions that a prospect/client makes in the conversation, there’s a good chance you can predict 80% of those responses. Be sure to include the different responses within the script so that the script is flexible.
  • Number sections within the script. Just like a highway has mile markers your scripts should have mile markers. As we all know, most sales are done through conversation and while scripts are often designed to be linear it’s easy to move around as the conversation flows. Having sections numbered within the script allows you to jump around not feel as if you’re forcing a conversation. You’re able to easily move to the right section. And it easily allows you to track what you have or have not covered ensuring that as the conversation flows nothing is missed. It's simple, but highly effective.

Here is an example of what an effective script format looks like.

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