No Better Place to Put Your Money Than in Your Business
Other than buying a business, there is no place you can put your money to receive high rates of return, with control over the outcome.
You can have the best product or services in the world and still not run a successful business. Understanding the flow of money in your business is critical to your success. As a business owner you need to be looking at cash flow, revenue, profits, and other important financial metrics. Below are a collection of business articles on small business financials from our weekly Business Owner Insights.
Other than buying a business, there is no place you can put your money to receive high rates of return, with control over the outcome.
It is a mistake to rely solely on your long-time bank to finance your new business acquisition; about half the time you will be disappointed at the response.
In the current economy, a banker’s best investment option is a good loan to a strong borrower. #buyabusinessiowa
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