Benchmark Business Group

September Is Life Insurance Awareness Month

September 1, 2020

Welcome to Life Insurance Awareness Month!

By intentionally focusing on life insurance awareness, September is usually a great month for financial services professionals. In many companies, the buzz about life insurance may include more engaging content, contests and conferences to get you and your team motivated.

This intentional focus creates a surge in life insurance activity. There’s motivation, new techniques, and ideas to apply, which increases activity and results. These results often create an increase in life production for the fourth quarter.

This year, like many elements in our lives, the coronavirus continues to shake up and challenge our normal habits. There are still some prospects and clients that are not wanting to meet in person, many of the conferences that help educate and inspire teams have been canceled, and motivation can easily be impacted.

This week we are challenging you to think about Life Insurance Awareness Month and how you can ensure that your team stays motivated and educated, even if things are different this year. The reason conferences make such a big impact is because they create motivation to try new things. They allow for sharing and new points of view. And, they encourage you to focus ON your business instead of working IN your business.

Learning helps keep people motivated, especially if the education is paired with activity. Conferences can be powerful because there are new ideas shared and people walk away excited to implement some of what they’ve learned.

We encourage you to mimic the experience of a conference in your office this month. Pick a resource such as a blog article, a short video, a chapter of a book, or even a process such as a fact finding tool or a new script. Notice, the focus is on something short and easy to implement. Once the team has watched or read the information, hold a QUICK meeting to discuss implementation. The meeting doesn’t need to be more than 30 minutes.

The meeting’s focus should be on take-aways with everyone committing to what they will do differently THIS week to implement this new way of thinking or idea. Make sure to follow up at the next meeting to discuss implementation.

To get started, we suggest using the following articles to create conversation, inspiration, and implementation in your business:

And don’t forget to talk to your business coach. Your Optimal Outcome material has many great resources that can easily help promote learning and inspiration in your business.

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