You have probably heard it said many times that Sales is a numbers game. That has certainly been our experience here at E-Myth Benchmark, but just what does that mean? I mean seriously, in real numbers what does that mean? If you were in front of 100 potential customers who were all within the demographic model of your most probable customer, and you offered them an opportunity to buy whatever it is you sell, how many would you expect to have immediate interest?
Actually, there is a fairly consistent answer, regardless of what you are selling. It’s about three percent. That number has come up several times in recent quantifications we have done both internally and with clients. It is so fascinating (to those of us who are fascinated by human behavior and the sales process), that I recalled reading about it several months ago and went back to review it. “It” is a book by Chet Holmes, entitled “The Ultimate Sales Machine” (Forward by the one and only Michael Gerber), which I highly recommend.