Benchmark Business Group

Prospecting - 2014 Archive

Does your business have all the sales, leads, and prospects it needs?  Rarely does a business say yes to this question.   Most businesses are always looking to grow, which means they're always looking for new ways to prospect.   Below are a collection of articles on prospecting from our weekly Business Owner Insights.

Holiday Networking


The holiday season is in full swing with Thanksgiving here in the United States being celebrated this past Thursday and the unofficial/official shopping season kicking off with Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday. There is no question that there is a lot happening during the next month; we do not believe the question is whether or not you will be busy during the season, rather, will you be busy doing what is needed to help grow your business?

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Got Community= Lead Generation through Involvment

Community involvement is something we see a lot of business owners do when they first get started. We mentioned it in the tried and true article because the activity typically wanes as a business matures. Why? You get busy. You get older. Your kids get older and have fewer activities. The reasons are many, but our focus is not just how "you" can be involved in the community, but how your "business" needs to be involved in the community. Once again, this is a team activity and these ideas should be shared and discussed with your staff.

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Lead Generation Your Competition Probably Isn't Doing

This month we've looked at lead generation methods that are tried and true and many using technology. This week we're discussing lead generation that is meant to be explosive and creative. Being creative isn't always unique, but can mean using an idea you've seen done successfully and figuring out how your business can do something similar. The ideas this week are meant to be a bit more creative and create a buzz. Like all of this month's articles, we encourage you to get this in the hands of your staff and start talking about what is possible and stop focusing on what is impossible.

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Consistent Lead Generation

How much time does your business dedicate to the act of generating leads?   In many businesses, the answer is shockingly low.  Lead Generation is something that we all know MUST happen, but it's not something that is scheduled or planned.  To create a true lead generation process, your business needs to commit to spending the time necessary for implementation.   We challenge you this week to talk to your team about dedicating the time to go over the ideas we've shared this month and then schedule the time to implement a few that you like for your business

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Tried and True Methods to Generate Leads

Last week we focused on lead generation ideas using technology. This week we want to take you back. Back to the ideas that were just so good you stopped using them!   These tend to be ideas you used when you first started but got so busy (because they produced sales) that you just stopped using them. The challenge this week is to read them without the assumptions and prejudices that you've built up over time. It will be easy to read the list and say, "been there, done that." We challenge you to take the list to your staff and ask, "How could this work for us?"

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Using Technology in Lead Generation

July Spotlight: Lead Generation Ideas

Does your business have more leads than it can handle? If not then you'll want to follow along in July as we explore all types of lead generation ideas.   We'll take a look at using technology for lead generation, tried and true methods, out of the box ideas, and being involved in the community.   Each week we'll have a quick introduction and then the content you really want: IDEAS.   We encourage you to print out these articles, take them to your sales meeting, and encourage your staff to brainstorm ways to implement these ideas.


Using Technology in Lead Generation

Whether you're a technology expert or a novice, there are lead generations strategies using technology that can help you grow your business.   Here are a few of our favorites:

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