Insights for Financial Advisors on The strategic thought process, planning, and company policies that drive all other areas of business operations such as: Business Strategy, Vision, Company Culture, Job Descriptions, Wage/Commission Strategies, Policies, Benefits, Systems Strategy, Financial Reports, and Growth Strategies.
For Financial Services Agents and Advisors who often feel like they are spread thin with both their time and money, developing and implementing an ideal customer engagement strategy can feel overwhelming. While you may have a brilliant list of ideas for engaging with your clients, the practicalities of putting them...
Strategic planning is a continuous process. While many professionals focus on setting goals, a crucial step often overlooked is establishing a robust accountability structure. Before diving into your objectives, it's imperative to ensure that your agency has the necessary accountability mechanisms in place. Breaking the Isolation: The myth of isolation...
In the financial services industry, where precision and strategy are paramount, the guidance of Tony Robbins holds true: "If we want to direct our financial lives, we must take control of our consistent actions. It's not what we do once in a while that shapes our financial destinies, but what...
Imagine taking your car to a mechanic for a specific problem and having them realize that another problem is lurking on the horizon. Would you want them to tell you? To educate you on your options? Even if you choose not to take action to solve the problem today, how...
How referable is your agency? It’s no secret that referrals are important in the financial services industry. Not only do they cut down marketing costs, but they help increase closing ratios as the new prospects come to your business with built-in trust. Yet, as well known as this is, many...
Most financial professionals know that it’s important to ask for referrals, and yet many don’t. Why? Because they dread it. They don’t want to be known as a pushy or aggressive salesperson, so they simply don’t ask. It's this type of flawed thinking that stands in the way of getting...
Many of our financial services advisors are sales-oriented individuals at their core. They enjoy getting in front of their clients and understand that activity is vital to an agency’s survival. Most don’t enjoy the operations side of the business. They don’t want to be tied down to the day-to-day operations,...
January is often a month that can feel like a reset. Many product producer contracts are reset at the beginning of the year and there are new deadlines and goals to work towards and sales for the year start at zero. It’s a fresh slate to start the year. It’s...
We often coach our Financial Services clients to understand what they can control and what they can’t control. In every industry there are things outside of your control, but within this industry the elements you can’t control often become excuses that hold you back. There is truth to excuses, but...
In the financial services industry, a common mistake we see is when producers become their own bottleneck. Investopedia defines a bottleneck as “a point of congestion in a production system that stops or severely slows the system.” When a sales producer becomes so focused on providing exceptional service it can...