We’re near the end of a year that no one expected. There have been many surprises, but what has remained steady are the needs of your business. Regardless of what takes place around you, your agency has a need to manage time, develop high performing teams and increase sales. The...
In any financial services agency, the ability to delegate is vital. Delegating tasks makes your business scalable. If you feel you must handle all tasks on your own, your business can’t grow past your own capacity. Delegating also helps avoid burnout. If you try to handle it all on your...
Most financial services professionals have a to-do list that is a mile long. There are clients and prospects to call. Reports to review. Service work to complete. Employees to manage. And, several fires waiting for your attention. The list of what you need to do is rarely short. Today, we...
In the financial services world, there’s a focus on sales numbers. You probably know what numbers you want to hit and most likely have a good understanding of what revenue should be generated by which product line. Most of you probably know the breakdown of those goals by month and...
In the world of financial services cross-selling is a skill that most will easily agree is important, yet isn’t always mastered. The benefits from an agency’s point of view are clear. Clients who have multiple product lines are less likely to leave which increases retention. Lead conversion is easier, and...
In the financial services industry, you’ll hear a lot of objections as to why someone doesn’t have the time to sit down with you or why they are not going with your recommendation. Objections are a part of the industry that you can’t change. Some objections are real. A prospect...
Welcome to Life Insurance Awareness Month! By intentionally focusing on life insurance awareness, September is usually a great month for financial services professionals. In many companies, the buzz about life insurance may include more engaging content, contests and conferences to get you and your team motivated. This intentional focus creates...
What do the greatest salespeople have in common? There’s many answers to this question, such as: they tell great stories, they uncover and help solve needs, they are likable, they can talk to anyone, and they connect and build relationships. Overall, the skills that one would use to describe a...
Zoom Exhaustion. In current times, we have heard from many financial services professionals that they are exhausted by the number of Zoom meetings on their calendar. Yet, at the same time, they can’t wait to be back to face-to-face meetings. It’s not the number of meetings that’s exhausting, it’s the...
The benefits of cross-selling are widely known. It helps boost sales! Clients with more products are less likely to change companies. It costs less to sell to current clients than it does to prospective new clients. It’s easier to sell to existing clients than someone brand new. Yet, cross-selling is...