Benchmark Business Group

Business Strategy - Page 3

Insights for Financial Advisors on The strategic thought process, planning, and company policies that drive all other areas of business operations such as: Business Strategy, Vision, Company Culture, Job Descriptions, Wage/Commission Strategies, Policies, Benefits, Systems Strategy, Financial Reports, and Growth Strategies. 

Connect to the Why

The power of your WHY drives all your decisions. It is the heart, soul, desire and passion you have to achieve something through your business and life. Your WHY provides the inspiration to take action to realize results.
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Why You Don't Hire

It happens over and over again; when a financial services professional adds an employee to their business, it creates growth and increases revenue in more ways than they initially thought. So then, why do so many financial services professionals delay in hiring? It boils down to three barriers: not enough time, too much money, and it's hard to find the right people. Overcoming these barriers requires a combination of seeing beyond them and having a strategy to leverage good people to achieve the desired results.
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A New View on Reviews

Client reviews take place, at some level, in most financial services businesses. They have become ingrained in the industry as something your business must do to fulfill your promise to clients, to meet fiduciary obligations, and to increase sales. Yet, as we talk with hundreds of financial service professionals what we noticed is that though reviews are accepted as a necessary element, many financial services professionals don't have a well-designed review process to ensure that reviews are successful sales tools.
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Are You Ready?

Would you rather your clients start over with their financial planning each calendar year?
Would you rather they sit down with you and DESIGN a lifelong plan?  
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