Leading with Vision
Perhaps the part of leadership that makes it so tricky to master is that there is no one way to be a great leader. What works well for one leader is a miserable experience for others. Leadership is a patchwork of traits that you have to learn to adapt and blend in with your own unique personality. Our Great Leadership Series focuses on three leaders and the qualities that they have displayed that drives the results. We challenge you this month to pay attention to your own leadership traits and be prepared to ask yourself some tough questions on how your leadership skills need to change/develop based on the results you want to create.
There are a number of leaders in today's business world that I would love to work for or emulate in some specific way. The one that stands out most is Elon Musk. With degrees in physics and business, he is quite simply trying to change the world. Electric cars, space exploration and eventually colonization, online point of purchase transfers, and solar power advances are all a part of his stable of life altering endeavors. But that is not the entire story because employees also love to work for him. Why? What makes the experience so transformational? Simply put, Musk has unrivaled vision, unequaled determination, and no fear of failure.